Selling Response (ARCHIVE)

May 09, 2022 5:00PM—May 09, 2026 6:00PM

Cost 35.00

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Originally recorded on May 9, 2019
In this webinar…
Don’t have the highest circulation in your market or the lowest rates? Are your prospects claiming they have no money and that your print and digital publications no longer work? Are they turning to “free” social media instead?
Don’t let that prevent you or your ad staff from bringing in serious ad revenue. You just need to make the shift to selling response.
This webinar explains how your department can make that shift including:
 • The philosophy of selling response
 • The differences between it and traditional approaches
 • How the approach overcomes most media-related objections
 • Why so many newspapers think they’re doing it already when they’re not
 • The architecture of a response-oriented sales process
 • Examples of selling response in action
And much more!
About the presenter: 
Bob McInnis is a 30-year veteran of the business side of the newspaper industry. After graduating from Dartmouth College in 1984, he got a job as a newspaper ad rep at his hometown’s weekly newspaper group.
He eventually served as ad director there and at a larger group of 10 community newspapers before being hired by 750,000 circulation Newsday/New York Newsday as major accounts supervisor and training manager.
In 1993, he launched a consulting practice and has spent the years since working with community newspapers and newspaper associations throughout the world. While the variety of products have evolved over the years to include digital, the motivations behind why local businesses buy advertising has not, making the integration of paid digital—and even selling against social media—seamless.