Building a Strong Service Directory to Increase Revenue (ARCHIVE)

Jun 07, 2022 5:00PM—Jun 07, 2026 6:00PM

Cost 35.00

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Originally recorded on June 7, 2017
In this webinar…
Every newspaper can grow consistent core revenue by having a strong Service Directory.  The smaller the paper, the bigger the Directory should be! Sign on to this webinar to learn the secrets on how to double and triple this important revenue base.
About the presenter:
Janet DeGeorge spent 13 years at the Mercury News much of it as a manager in the paper’s state-of- the-art classified advertising department. She then relocated to southern California as recruitment advertising manager before moving to Arizona where she was the classified advertising director of the Scottsdale and Mesa Tribune for seven years. DeGeorge is a former vice president of the Western Classified Advertising Association, a key speaker at regional and national advertising conferences and has produced numerous articles and webinars regarding classified advertising. DeGeorge has been the president of Classified Executive Training & Consulting since 2001. She specializes in classified sales training for sales reps and new managers, outbound sales training and the redesigns of print and online products and rate packages to uncover new revenue sources.