
Current & Upcoming

Google Analytics: Finding and Reading The Data (ARCHIVE)

Jan 21, 2016 5:00PM—Jan 21, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on January 21, 2016 In this webinar… We all know how important our website’s analytics are, but they’re of no use to us if we can’t read the numbers or find where they are. In this webinar, GateHouse Media Data Analyst Sherri Horton will explain where to find your basic site metrics and…

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Building Your Graduation Pages (ARCHIVE)

Mar 24, 2016 5:00PM—Mar 24, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on March 24, 2016 In this webinar… Are you spending DAYS putting together your graduation edition? Are you manually placing hundreds of photos and copying and pasting text just to realize at the last minute that someone was left out and you have to rebuild part of the section Learn how InDesign’s built-in…

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Growing Your Digital Audience (ARCHIVE)

Mar 25, 2016 5:00PM—Mar 25, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on March 25, 2016 In this webinar… Are you having trouble growing your online audience? In this webinar, learn how two newsrooms grew their audience month over month during an experiment that combined analytics, social media, SEO and more. GateHouse Media’s Penny Riordan and Carlene Cox share the best practices and a system…

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Best Practices for Digital Planning (ARCHIVE)

Jun 24, 2016 5:00PM—Jun 24, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on June 24, 2016 In this webinar… Do you have a digital posting schedule? You should. We’ve compiled lessons, tips and best practices from three of GateHouse’s top digital editors, on how they plan for web, mobile and social posting. By using analytics and maximizing use of your best content, you can drive…

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Making Video Work In Your Newsroom (ARCHIVE)

Jan 12, 2018 5:00PM—Jan 12, 2026 6:00PM


Orginally recorded on January 12, 2018   In this webinar… It’s not easy to keep video in the forefront of your newsroom strategy. As an editor, how do you keep the focus on adding video, and what topics are better than others? And as a reporter, how do you produce quick-hit videos getting the best…

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Video Strategies for Newsrooms to Grow Audience (ARCHIVE)

Feb 15, 2018 5:00PM—Feb 15, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 15, 2018 In this webinar… Video offers your audience a front row seat to history, a chance to feel as if they are intimately connected and an opportunity to deeply understand an issue. This session helps  you decide what video strategies to adopt, what technology to use and how your entire…

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Understanding Analytics (ARCHIVE)

Mar 22, 2018 5:00PM—Mar 22, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on March 22, 2018   In this webinar…: An overview of how to use Google Analytics. As an editor, what trends should you be looking for to steer coverage? And what can you glean from the numbers, including actionable items? We took a look at how the numbers can help drive major projects,…

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Understanding Analytics (ARCHIVE)

Mar 22, 2018 5:00PM—Mar 22, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on March 22, 2018 In this webinar… An overview of how to use Google Analytics. As an editor, what trends should you be looking for to steer coverage? And what can you glean from the numbers, including actionable items? We took a look at how the numbers can help drive major projects, and…

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Building Lasting Relationships Through Engagement (ARCHIVE)

Feb 21, 2019 5:00PM—Feb 21, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 21, 2019   In this webinar… Engagement is becoming more important than ever for newsrooms. GateHouse Media’s Summer Moore offers some clear steps to start to build relationships with your readers, including in-person, social and online. Before taking a role with GateHouse, Moore was the digital and audience engagement editor at…

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InDesign 101: Introduction to InDesign (ARCHIVE)

Jun 12, 2020 5:00PM—Jun 12, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on June 12, 2014   In this webinar…: If you’re new to “desktop publishing”, or converting to InDesign from Quark or PageMaker, this class will get you started in the right direction. Reduce the stress and fumbling around by learning where things are, and how InDesign “thinks.” Some of what you’ll learn: •…

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