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Best Practices for Digital Planning (ARCHIVE)

Jun 24, 2016 5:00PM—Jun 24, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on June 24, 2016 In this webinar… Do you have a digital posting schedule? You should. We’ve compiled lessons, tips and best practices from three of GateHouse’s top digital editors, on how they plan for web, mobile and social posting. By using analytics and maximizing use of your best content, you can drive…

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Prospecting That PAY$ (ARCHIVE)

Nov 11, 2016 5:00PM—Nov 11, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on November 11, 2016 In this webinar…: This session provides a proven prospecting methodology that not only creates sales opportunities, but is also easily implemented and enjoyable. It will provide guidance on proactively preparing a sales strategy each month and determining your individual “magic prospecting number” to achieve your goals and give yourself…

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50 Ideas In 50 Minutes (ARCHIVE)

Jan 12, 2017 5:00PM—Jan 12, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on January 12, 2017   In this webinar…: This webinar offers up creative ideas you can start working on in your newsroom immediately. This is fast-paced, and includes references to the original stories as well as some great techniques to help you can execute these stories in newsrooms of all sizes.   About…

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Engaging Readers Through Your Editorial Page (ARCHIVE)

Feb 16, 2017 5:00PM—Feb 16, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 16, 2017 In this webinar… Award-winning editorial writer Michael Smith of the Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald-Journal explains how he crafts his editorials, and offers pointers for keeping the community conversation vibrant, all while maintaining a fast-paced newsroom.

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Successful Negotiating on Value Vs. Price (ARCHIVE)

Feb 24, 2017 5:00PM—Feb 24, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 24, 2017 In this webinar… This program will be a fast –paced session focused on three key skills for you and your team: • Negotiate smarter, not harder. • Negotiate on value, not on price. • Win More and Lose Less in Sales! This webinar will be applicable to leaders and…

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Best Practices for Public Notice (ARCHIVE)

Mar 02, 2017 5:00PM—Mar 02, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on March 2, 2017 In this webinar… The newspaper industry has had a lot of success protecting public notice in the state legislatures, but collectively we’re on the defensive. Our opponents are more motivated than ever and increasingly sophisticated in their arguments. Every newspaper must play a role in this fight. This session…

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Engaging Readers With Email Newsletters (ARCHIVE)

Nov 09, 2017 5:00PM—Nov 09, 2024 6:00PM


Originally recorded on November 9, 2017 In this webinar…: Want to write email newsletters that people actually want to read? Do you see opportunities to grow referrals from emails?  Ideas are shared for where to put your resources, best practices, writing with tone (or not) and the technical how-to. GateHouse’s Senior Director of Content Jean…

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Making Video Work In Your Newsroom (ARCHIVE)

Jan 12, 2018 5:00PM—Jan 12, 2026 6:00PM


Orginally recorded on January 12, 2018   In this webinar… It’s not easy to keep video in the forefront of your newsroom strategy. As an editor, how do you keep the focus on adding video, and what topics are better than others? And as a reporter, how do you produce quick-hit videos getting the best…

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Video Strategies for Newsrooms to Grow Audience (ARCHIVE)

Feb 15, 2018 5:00PM—Feb 15, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 15, 2018 In this webinar… Video offers your audience a front row seat to history, a chance to feel as if they are intimately connected and an opportunity to deeply understand an issue. This session helps  you decide what video strategies to adopt, what technology to use and how your entire…

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Workflow Automation Tools for Your Newsrooms of Any Size (ARCHIVE)

Feb 22, 2018 5:00PM—Feb 22, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on February 22, 2018   In this webinar…: From publishing to social media, to editing video, to working in the CMS, there are so many different dashboards, logins and systems to manage. Penny Riordan highlights tools that some small- to mid-size newsrooms have used to automate some of these processes. This includes hacks…

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