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Media Generational Strategies: What Drives Your Customers (ARCHIVE)

Apr 18, 2022 5:00PM—Apr 18, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on April 18, 2019   In this webinar… Can your products hit a bulls-eye with each generation you choose to target: Millennials, GenX, Boomers, Silents? How is generational strategy different from demographic strategy? This webinar discusses two fundamental truths to explain the dramatic differences amongst the generations and the need for all newspapers…

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How To Market and Sell In Brutally Competitve Enviornments (ARCHIVE)

Jun 03, 2022 5:00PM—Jun 03, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on June 3, 2016 In this webinar… Today’s marketplace is simultaneously the best and worst in the history of human civilization. It’s the best because untold and unprecedented opportunity awaits savvy and sharp-eyed professionals. It’s the worst because there has never before been a market so loud, crowded and full of competing distractions…

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Grant-Writing and Partnerships (ARCHIVE)

Jun 20, 2022 1:00PM—Jun 20, 2026 2:00PM


Originally recorded on June 20, 2019 In this webinar… Wondering what you can do to receive newsroom grants or work with ProPublica and other nonprofits on projects? We have tips from people who’ve been successful and those who’ve worked on the receiving end of the process. Steve Dorsey, Vice President of Performance and Partnerships for…

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Getting the Best Out of Yourself and Your Sales Team (ARCHIVE)

Jun 25, 2022 1:00PM—Jun 25, 2026 2:00PM


Originally recorded on June 25, 2015 In this webinar…: Like many managers, it is possible you fell into coaching. While you are energized by helping people become their best selves, you may have had a few challenges with training along the way. This webinar focuses not on sales coaching, but on building the right foundation…

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Security Training for Newspapers: Active Shooter Preparation and Response (ARCHIVE)

Aug 10, 2022 1:00PM—Aug 10, 2026 2:00PM


Originally recorded on August 10, 2018 In this webinar… Recent tragedies across the U.S.A. have shown that active shootings are a very real and deadly threat for all businesses and communities. Regardless of the business or community activity, employees, students and everyday citizens have fallen victim to these attacks that often occur without clear warning.…

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How to Sell the Value of Digital Without Overselling Your Client (ARCHIVE)

Sep 29, 2022 5:00PM—Sep 29, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on September 29, 2017 In this webinar… Everyone sells digital. Everyone has similar portfolios. In order to differentiate, you’ll need to provide value beyond CTRs, CPMs and the like. In this webinar we’ll discuss how to: • Simplify digital sales for the customer and your sales team • Build a client-focused digital recommendation…

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The Community’s Perception(s): State of U.S. Print Weekly Newspapering in the 21st Century (ARCHIVE)

Oct 18, 2022 1:00PM—Oct 18, 2026 2:00PM


Christina Smith plans to engage with the audience on two major discussion points concerning community newspapers. First, she will briefly discuss one of her current research projects that explores why small-town, geographically-bounded U.S. weekly newspapers continue to be viable in the digital era, despite the struggles larger U.S. newspapers continue to undergo. Upon completion of…

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Best Practices for Managing Performance Challenges (ARCHIVE)

Oct 21, 2022 1:00PM—Oct 21, 2024 2:00PM



Originally recorded on October 21, 2022 In This Webinar: This Iowa members’ based presentation focuses on the “dos and don’ts” for managing employees with performance issues, including performance improvement plans and discipline, and gaining an understanding of effective performance management and recognizing its importance and benefits, one of which is to avoid potential litigation. About…

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Trust in Truth (ARCHIVE)

Nov 03, 2022 1:00PM—Nov 03, 2024 2:00PM



Originally recorded on November 3, 2022 In This Webinar: Consistent national polls show low trust in what we hear in our media, but the level of mistrust does not always carry over into local news organizations. This session explores what that can mean when maintaining trust in our local newspapers and how to explain that…

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Developing a Competitive Sales Advantage (ARCHIVE)

Nov 07, 2022 5:00PM—Nov 07, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on November 7, 2013 In this webinar… Advertising options are great; competition is fierce.  This session covers how newspaper salespeople can effectively become the media consultant of choice in their market. Recommending the right combination of options and solutions to clients, at the right time, is key to producing the right results you…

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