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Building a Strong Service Directory to Increase Revenue (ARCHIVE)

Jun 07, 2022 5:00PM—Jun 07, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on June 7, 2017   In this webinar… Every newspaper can grow consistent core revenue by having a strong Service Directory.  The smaller the paper, the bigger the Directory should be! Sign on to this webinar to learn the secrets on how to double and triple this important revenue base.   About the…

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Grant-Writing and Partnerships (ARCHIVE)

Jun 20, 2022 1:00PM—Jun 20, 2026 2:00PM


Originally recorded on June 20, 2019 In this webinar… Wondering what you can do to receive newsroom grants or work with ProPublica and other nonprofits on projects? We have tips from people who’ve been successful and those who’ve worked on the receiving end of the process. Steve Dorsey, Vice President of Performance and Partnerships for…

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Security Training for Newspapers: Active Shooter Preparation and Response (ARCHIVE)

Aug 10, 2022 1:00PM—Aug 10, 2026 2:00PM


Originally recorded on August 10, 2018 In this webinar… Recent tragedies across the U.S.A. have shown that active shootings are a very real and deadly threat for all businesses and communities. Regardless of the business or community activity, employees, students and everyday citizens have fallen victim to these attacks that often occur without clear warning.…

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Five Ways to Enhance Your Paper’s Obituary Category (ARCHIVE)

Sep 12, 2022 5:00PM—Sep 12, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on September 12, 2019 In this webinar… Obituaries and newspapers: Once, these two always went together, and this relationship provided publishers with a powerful traffic driver and an unbeatable revenue stream. But today’s readers face unique economic pressures, and they have new ideas about how to best announce and remember a death in…

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Maximizing Your Digital Revenue-Don’t Leave Money On The Table! (ARCHIVE)

Aug 26, 2022 5:00PM—Aug 26, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on August 26, 2016 In this webinar… Most media organizations have unsold digital advertising inventory. But what should you do with those available ad spots? You can try to sell them locally, but if the market is exhausted, you need to find a buyer outside of your own geography. Frequently you turn to…

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How to Sell the Value of Digital Without Overselling Your Client (ARCHIVE)

Sep 29, 2022 5:00PM—Sep 29, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on September 29, 2017 In this webinar… Everyone sells digital. Everyone has similar portfolios. In order to differentiate, you’ll need to provide value beyond CTRs, CPMs and the like. In this webinar we’ll discuss how to: • Simplify digital sales for the customer and your sales team • Build a client-focused digital recommendation…

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Doing More With Less In Your Newsroom (ARCHIVE)

Dec 07, 2022 5:00PM—Dec 07, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on December 7, 2017   In this webinar… As our industry continues to contract, our inclination is to try to do everything we always did with fewer resources. If you find yourself and everyone else in your newsroom stretched and frayed, you need a newsroom reset. Jean Hodges of GateHouse Media talks about…

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Developing a Competitive Sales Advantage (ARCHIVE)

Nov 07, 2022 5:00PM—Nov 07, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on November 7, 2013 In this webinar… Advertising options are great; competition is fierce.  This session covers how newspaper salespeople can effectively become the media consultant of choice in their market. Recommending the right combination of options and solutions to clients, at the right time, is key to producing the right results you…

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Anatomy of a Sales Call (ARCHIVE)

Nov 11, 2022 5:00PM—Nov 11, 2026 6:00PM


Originally recorded on November 11, 2011 In this webinar… Anatomy of a Sales Call is perfect training for the new account executive or the seasoned professional who’d like a good review of the fundamentals of an effective sales call.  Presenter Jim Elsberry covers the following techniques to you and your staff close more deals. Learn…

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